2022 Mini-Tri Series Info

2022 Mini-Tri Race Series
We are back for the 2022 Mini Triathlon race series! We will run races every week starting on Monday June 27th through August 15th. We will run the same classic course of a 400 yard swim along the southeastern shore of Mirror Lake, and 12 mile bike around "River Road Loop", and a 3 mile out and back run on Mt Whitney Rd. Course information below. We hope to see you this summer!
Triathlons are inherently dangerous. We ask that you please follow all New York State rules of the road. You are subject to all traffic laws and are expected to ride single file as close to the right shoulder of the road as is safe. We will have course marshals out at either end of Northwood school road to watch for traffic. If they ask you to stop, you must stop! Runners should run against traffic.
Event Dates/Times
Races will be held on Monday nights, 6/27, 7/11, 7/17, 7/25, 8/1, 8/8 and 8/15. Transition will open at 5:30 along with swim cap pick-up/body marking. We will have a pre-race meeting at 6:15 with the race will start promptly at 6:30. Monday July 4th we will have a special morning Mini Tri because of road closures/crowds leading up to Independence Day fireworks. Registration will open at 7:30am, pre-race meeting at 8:15, race start at 8:30.
Registration/Entry Fee
Event entry fee for the 2022 season is $20/individual, $45/team. Payments can be made at Cap Pick-Up by cash or check. We are also accepting payments and online registration via Run Sign Up - https://runsignup.com/Race/NY/LakePlacid/HPCMiniTriathlonSeries
Week 1/June 27th Results | Photos
Week 2/July 4th Results
Week 3/July 11th Results | Photos
Week 4/July 18th Cancelled
Week 5/July 25th Results | Photos
Week 6/August 1st Results | Photos
Week 7/August 8th Results
Week 8/August 15th Results
Will there be prizes?
How could it be a Mini-Triathlon without raffle prizes? We will be awarding prizes to the top 3 male and female times and some random raffle winners each week. Awards will start between 8:00 & 8:30PM.
The swim starts on the beach directly next to the public tennis courts in Lake Placid. The swim is an out and back on the right shoulder of Mirror Lake. There will be a big orange buoy to indicate the turn around point for the swim. If the buoy is missing, the turn around point is a red hydrant along the shore.
When leaving the transition area, turn left on Mirror Lake Drive and follow Mirror Lake's shore for 1 mile before turning right onto Northwood Drive. Please take cation and follow rules of the road with the current construction on Mirror Lake Drive (this is not the world championships!) At the end of Northwood Drive you will take a left onto Route 86 towards Wilmington, please proceed with caution when crossing over route 86! Continue on Route 86 to the first road on the right, River Road. Follow River Road until you reach Route 73 and see the ski jumps directly in front of you. Take a right at the intersection of River Road and Route 73 and begin your climb back into town. Continue of Route 73 until you reach the street light and turn right onto Route 86 heading back to Northwood Road. After passing the golf course you will turn left onto Northwood school road, again please use EXTREME CAUTION when crossing Route 86, when Northwood Road meets Mirror Lake Drive turn left to return to the transition area. Below you will find a link to a map and picture of the bike course.
After leaving the transition area, turn left onto Mirror Lake Drive. Continue on Mirror Lake Drive past the Northwood School and turn right onto Mount Whitney Road. On Mount Whitney Road, you will run about a half-mile to telephone pole number 13 before turning around and retracing your footsteps to the finish. Below you can find a picture and link to a map of the run course. Be careful of construction on Mirror Lake Drive! Use caution.
If you have any questions, please feel free to stop by the store (2733 Main Street, Lake Placid, NY), call us at 518-523-3764, email us at highpeakscyclery@gmail.com, or reach out to us on social media. www.facebook.com/highpeakscyclery www.instagram.com/highpeakscyclery